Bedside Beauty

I've decided to do a little summary of the things I keep on my bedside table. After all, every girl has a little stash that she keeps to hand pre and post nights sleep, doesn't she? I'm going to do a series of posts like this. My bedside table necessities change all the time as I try and rotate different products so I get to try them out. Here's a little glimpse at what I'm using last thing before bed, and first thing in the morning at the moment. 

Caudalie Beauty Elixir - I'm enjoying using this so far, besides the smell, which definitely needs to grow on me. I like to spritz this on my face in the morning mainly, just as a quick refresh. I often spritz it before bed too, but normally before my night cream. 

Taaj Micellaire Water Makeup Remover* - I will have already cleansed before bed at the sink, but I keep this here for the morning. This is probably the best makeup remover I've ever used. I love everything about it. It was a sample in a JolieBox not too long ago and I am definitely repurchasing a full size when this runs out. I like to sweep this across my face just to remove any missed mascara which might be lurking underneath my eye area after 8 hours of sleep. I also just find it really refreshes my skin, and is the perfect little pick me up (or roll me out of bed). 

Body Shop Wild Rose Targeted Hand Oil* - This nifty little roller ball is perfect for applying oil to specific areas of your hands. As you can imagine, oil slathered all over your hands won't be too comfortable, so it's nice that you can apply a little bit in the places that you really need it. I put this across my cuticles and areas of the skin on my hands which could do with a little more moisture.

Bare Minerals Pure Transformation Night Treatment - I'm currently trying out this powder foundation night treatment. It's definitely a little weird applying this last thing before bed but there is no nasty pillow transferring and it feels very comfortable on my skin. I don't want to report back about this product yet, as I want to give it a fair trial before I let you know my thoughts, but so far I like it.

Lavera Hand Cream* - Again, this was a sample in a beauty box (I find these samples perfect for my bedside and my handbag). This is probably one of my favourite hand creams recently, alongside the Burt's Bees one that I reviewed a while back. I like something that feels moisturising and nourishing but doesn't take an age to sink in, or leave me with greasy mitts, so this ticks all the boxes. 

Nuxe Reve De Miel Lip Balm - A new obsession of mine. I can't praise this lip balm highly enough. I apply this before bed, and when I wake up it's STILL THERE! It really gets to work on my always-impossibly-dry lips. Since i've been using this, I've found that I can apply lipstick more often without getting scaly lips, or having to rub it off, and re apply it. I think this will be at my bedside for a long time!

What do you have on your bedside table? Anything you think I'm missing or that you think I'd love?


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