- Heavanilli Massage Bar - This smells SO good, My bedroom is benefitting from that! Lush describes this as "Sweet delicious Vanilla Fountain fragrance - tonka bean, jasmine and heaps of vanilla absolute" It melts on the skin and leaves it so soft.
- "Yummy Yummy Yummy" This is a strawberries and cream scented cream wash. It really is yummy yummy yummy.
After This, I was thouroughly impressed with Lush's products, I've been in the shop thousands of times (Enticed by its overwhelming smell from across the road) but i haven't ever bought anything, apart from the odd bath bomb or holiday box for my mum. So i went online Monday night (http://www.lush.co.uk/) and read up about all the different products...I seriously had so much fun. haha. I ordered a few things i thought looked good, and the package came today! It was wrapped in paper and looked gorgey! And I love that they had a sticker on it saying who had packaged it all. It was like opening a present on my birthday, I did have to delve through masses and masses of popcorn to find anything, but hey, It's more eco friendly than bubble wrap!
This is what I got:
- "Sympathy For The Skin" - A banana custard body cream. I could eat this!
- "Mask of Magniminty" - A deep cleansing clay mask with aduki beans, evening primrose and peppermint oil.
- "Skin Drink" - Rehydrating moisturiser with sesame, almond and evening primrose oils, rose and aloe vera.
- "Catastrophe Cosmetic" - Fresh Face mask with blueberries rich in beneficial anti-oxidants and full of vitamins and minerals.
- "Angels On Bare Skin" - Angelic medieval rose & lavender Cleanser
- "Melting Marshmallow Moment" - A luxury bath melt
For better descriptions check the website, If you want me to review any of these products let me know :)
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