LOL at the Cheesy title...sorry, couldn't resist!
As some of you may or may not know, there was a big group of bloggers/youtubers invited to attend a beauty event at L'oreal Headquarters in Hammersmith for Maybelline yesterday.
Before the event started, i met with Sophie (Beautymarked19) & Shirley (Shirleybeniang)
& we headed over to Oxford Circus for a bit of retail thereapy.
Whilst at the Illamasqua stand we got chatting to one of the MUA there called Gillian & she was one of the nicest MUA i have come across.

It makes such a difference when someone is genuinely excited about the products on sale. (something i had yet to come across at an illamasqua counter) She was demonstrating how the pigments could be used & totally sold me on them...i wasn't planning on getting anything! She even posed for a photo, which she said she will try and Gillian...if you manage to find this, let me know! :)
After this we went on a "find Vicky (Peachykeencheeks) spree" She had only gotten a tad lost. :) Whilst we were waiting for vicky, Shirley asked a newspaper stand guy to take a photo of us. He turned out to be a flirty little bugger and asked Shirley for her name...and guess what she said...Lassie! As in, the dog lassie. It was quite funny. :)

By this time we were panicking we'd be a bit late so ran to get the train after we'd managed to direct her to where we were. Whilst on the train we met with the gorgeous beauties Mushine (Bubblegarm) & Olivia (BeautybyOlivia), Once in Hammersmith we met with the adorable Anna (TheStyleDiet) and went over to the L'oreal building.

The event started by them encouraging us to stuff our faces with cakes and sandwhiches.. haha.
We then all sat and watched the presentation on the new ranges Maybelline have come out with, a few adverts for the products and an explanation of all the current ranges they have. I found the presentation really interesting as i felt i knew more about the brand and the things it had to offer.
After this, we were given 2 goody bags, the first was a selection of the products maybelline already have for sale & the second was the new items such as the "pulse perfection vibrating mascara" and the new colour sensational lispticks. I liked that they gave us the goody bags waaay before everyone went home, as it gave us a chance to look at the products together.
There were tables set up with all the foundations so we could be matched and take them home to try. As well as the foundations, there was also the nail polishes, the lipsticks and the eye products laid out for us to test and look at.
There was also 2 makeup artists available to do our makeup or to ask questions.
Overall i think the event was fab, very well structured & thought out, well catered, extremely friendly organisers/pr ladies & everything was so relaxed and fun :)
After the event a few of us girlies popped into Primarni in Hammersmith & bought a few things before heading back home.
Some more photos from the event...

The Goody Bags...

Thank you so much for such a fab afternoon/evening!
& It was great catching up (even if it was only briefly) with most of you.
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