Todays outfit is sporting two of my new garments purchased at the weekend in Leeds.
Garment no1 is my sequined top: £9.87 (or something) in Primark. This is my new love.
Garment no2 is my Jeggings (yes, i finally invested in a pair) £20 in Topshop (But Jack used his student discount so they were a bit less. :)
I also wore my cropped black blazer on top for when i was cold.
This was kindof sixties-ish. I backcombed the crown of my head, and did the middle parting plaits. The rest was left to do at it wished. It looks very very loosely tousled.
Too Faced Shadow Insurance Primer
Woodwinked E/S all over lid
Smut E/S in crease and outer v
2True waterproof eyeliner
Loreal Voluminous Mascara
I really like this outfit, what do you think?
Are you into the whole sequin thing?
Thinking of wearing this to the Maybelline event on thursday... :)
Too Faced Shadow Insurance Primer
Woodwinked E/S all over lid
Smut E/S in crease and outer v
2True waterproof eyeliner
Loreal Voluminous Mascara
I really like this outfit, what do you think?
Are you into the whole sequin thing?
Thinking of wearing this to the Maybelline event on thursday... :)
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