Right, I know this is completely random, and i am a complete weirdo...but we used to have lucky charms in the U.K. They were my favourite. I could seriously eat box after box of those badboys. Then one evil day, general mills decided that they would crush my soul and completely remove them from the U.K shelves because they were too unhealthy. SO WHAT? If i get uber fat that's my problem right? I managed to get my hands on a box 3 years ago when my ex boyfriend went to the U.S on holiday and I begged him to bring me back a box in his hand luggage. I really did make that box last...he also bought me a lucky charms t shirt..but i cannot eat that. You have no idea how jealous i am that people in america can just chuck these into their trollies in the local supermarket. :(
So, If there is ANYONE lovely enough to send me some in exchange for something from the U.K (GOSH, Barry M...your choice) i would be more than happy too. haha i know...im crazy.
Most people do makeup swaps..I seem to have put a slight twist on that.

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