I'm not really expecting many of you to read this as i think i'm the last one to talk about it and you will most probably be bored with hearing it again but i'm going to anyway for those of you who may not have. (Although i'm guessing it's highly unlikely)
So as you may have all already seen (as i'm late with this post due to lack of camera equipment) around 30-40 youtubers and bloggers were invited to an exclusive V.I.P event in London, Soho. Initially it was all a surprise and nobody had any idea what was going to happen there. The venue was very well decked out in everything glam and camp. Balloons, Jars of sweets, Cocktail glasses with Dazzle Dusts in them, Amazing fairycakes and men with far better legs than me...sob..
The Event...

We all got to meet Barry M himself and he is such a sweet old man, he gave us a little speach about the growth of Barry M.
After that they explained about the launch of the M club. Which is a concept which will enable us to easily communicate and share all our makeup knowledge in one place. It will be combining twitter, youtube, blogs etc. It's such a fab idea and everyone at the event will be able to set it up soon. For everyone else i think it will available from mid-july. I really haven't explained it very well, Lollipop26 (Laura) explained it amazingly as she'd recorded a little vid for us to watch. After this we all got to preview the new Barry M advert, which aired the following day (Thursday at around 6.43 - In the hollyoaks break) I have seen it a couple of times since then too. I think it's fab. What do you reckon?
Overall it was such a fantastic day, I must admit i was SO nervous to be meeting everyone as i'm initially quite a shy person but once you get talking to me i'm fine, but i had so much fun and felt completely at ease as everyone was so lovely. We were all there because of the same love of makeup and it just helped everyone gel together. I just wish there was more time as even though it was 3 hours, it went SO quickly and there just wasn't enough time to have a quality chat with everybody, which i'm sad i never managed to do!
So thankyou girlies for making it such an enjoyable afternoon, it was so lovely to meet you all & thankyou so much to Barry M for hosting such a fab event.
The Goody Bag...
Before we left we were handed this goody bag...can you imagine 30(ish) people travelling in convoy to covent garden with these..yes it turned a few heads. :)

[The Dazzle Dusts - From Left to Right - 24, Toffee - 98, Petrol Black - 22, Black Gold - 96, Gold - 97, Dark Chocolate]
My favourites are Tofee, Petrol Black and Gold. GORGEOUS colours. If you look in the whol goody bag photo, you will see another dazzle dust with a pink lid. This was our V.I.P exclusive dazzle dust created for everyone at the event. There were 2 colours. A baby blue and baby purple. I got the blue one, although i haven't swatched it as i'm going to keep it as a collectable type thing :)
My favourites are Tofee, Petrol Black and Gold. GORGEOUS colours. If you look in the whol goody bag photo, you will see another dazzle dust with a pink lid. This was our V.I.P exclusive dazzle dust created for everyone at the event. There were 2 colours. A baby blue and baby purple. I got the blue one, although i haven't swatched it as i'm going to keep it as a collectable type thing :)
I was overwhelmed by the generosity of these goody bags. It certainly gave Me & Lydia
something to look at on train journey home (Lydia..did that lipstick come out of your top? lol)
And here is a geeky photo of me wearing the Barry M T-Shirt...love it!!
[Excuse the lack of makeup and overly contoured cheekbone...i was experimenting lol]
[Excuse the lack of makeup and overly contoured cheekbone...i was experimenting lol]
So as you can see we were all really lucky and were given some fab freebies. I can't wait to try it all out and review some of it. If there is anything in particular you would like a full review on, please let me know and i'll be happy to do it for you.
Check out my next post for a teeny pre-event haul (I arrived an hour early so had some time to spare...oops) & a few other things i picked up in the last week or so :)
Much love lovelies
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