Oh my goodness.
Oh my goodness.
I have 2000 blog followers.
This is madness i tell thee.
I only started this for a bit of fun & i'm so so greatful so many of you enjoy reading the things i have to say or like looking at my ugly mug once in a while. :)
So, i always said, if i ever reached 2000 blog followers, i would hold a contest..and to be honest, it's a very good time to have it.
I'd been thinking for a while what i could do to involve everyone & to get all your creative juices flowing.
As some of you may know, (or may not), Moulin Rouge is one of my favourite films.
I love the costumes, the glamour and more importantly, all the sparkly bits and diamonds.
So, for this blog contest is simply called...
"Diamonds are a girl's best friend"

Because, lets put it this way...they are.
Now, i know some of you may be scratching your heads like "seriously i am supposed to create a makeup look around diamonds"
well i'll give you some ideas i had come up with myself...

These are just a few examples.
I know alot of you will read this and think "oh well i cannot be arsed to do this"
Please don't think that you need to do any of this above, just show me something sparkly & pretty or moulin rouge themed. You dont need to go all out with wigs and dresses but i want to see some creativity. All my A Levels are in Photography, Art & Textiles, so i'd like to see how everyone can produce something different as i am a very creative person myself.
But most importantly, just have fun with it.
The rules are as follows:
What better time of the year to get your sparkly makeup out? AND, if you're like me, and you always want to glam yourself up with reams of glitter, but never feel you can as it will be too O.T.T, this gives you the perfect excuse.
Get Creative Guys & Dolls
Love you all tonnes
This is madness i tell thee.
I only started this for a bit of fun & i'm so so greatful so many of you enjoy reading the things i have to say or like looking at my ugly mug once in a while. :)
So, i always said, if i ever reached 2000 blog followers, i would hold a contest..and to be honest, it's a very good time to have it.
I'd been thinking for a while what i could do to involve everyone & to get all your creative juices flowing.
As some of you may know, (or may not), Moulin Rouge is one of my favourite films.
I love the costumes, the glamour and more importantly, all the sparkly bits and diamonds.
So, for this blog contest is simply called...
"Diamonds are a girl's best friend"

Now, i know some of you may be scratching your heads like "seriously i am supposed to create a makeup look around diamonds"
well i'll give you some ideas i had come up with myself...
- You could quite literally just do a vampy Satine-esq look - Go all out with hair, makeup costumes..what ever you fancied.
- Use sequins on your face/around eyes
- Encorporate Diamonte's on eyelashes or around eyes
- Glitter & lots of it..or, if you want to be more subtle, then thats fine :)
- Or, even get geometric with the shaping and cut of diamonds
- Use of the reflective colours in a diamond

I know alot of you will read this and think "oh well i cannot be arsed to do this"
Please don't think that you need to do any of this above, just show me something sparkly & pretty or moulin rouge themed. You dont need to go all out with wigs and dresses but i want to see some creativity. All my A Levels are in Photography, Art & Textiles, so i'd like to see how everyone can produce something different as i am a very creative person myself.
But most importantly, just have fun with it.
The rules are as follows:
- Produce a look based on the title of the contest
- Send me images by E-mail with the subject "Diamonds are a girls best friend" or simply link me to your blogpost in the comments below if you want to publish it for others to see. Include a very brief description of why you chose to do what you did.
- You do not have to do the makeup on yourself if you don't wish to, plaster your friend in glitter instead :)
- Contest will end in a months time, so that will be the 1st of January 2010 at midnight GMT (woop)
- Please don't be stingy & get someone else to do it for you, it ruins the fun & is betrayal. haha
- I will be judging the contest entries, along with my friends & family
- There will be a first prize for those who live in the UK, and a first prize for those who live overseas & one runner up who can live anywhere in the world. :)
What better time of the year to get your sparkly makeup out? AND, if you're like me, and you always want to glam yourself up with reams of glitter, but never feel you can as it will be too O.T.T, this gives you the perfect excuse.
Get Creative Guys & Dolls
Love you all tonnes
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