Isn't that a surprise..she's only a hugely vast majority of every young girl's idol?
But seriously, after hours of watching "Keeping Up With The Kardashians", i soon realised that if i could switch lives & looks with one person, i would absolutely choose Kim Kardashian.
♥ She is absolutely bloomin' gorgeous! Some of you might not agree, and that's fine, we don't all have the same perception of what's beautiful. Personally I think she has the most amazing facial feautures, figure & hair...ever. I'm starting to sound like a lesbiano now, so i will shh..but the pictures speak for themselves surely. I also love that she's curvy. Like Beyonce, she has a real booty, and she's not affraid to show it off. Not all beautiful women are stick think like we see on the catwalks. If anything, i prefer to see curves, it shows a real woman. Her confidence is just as amazing as her beauty, she is really very inspirational & such a sweet person.
♥ She is making a living from being these things..imagine being born so beautiful, you can just smile & make money from it. Sounds like my idea of a fabulous career, who cares if she is a bit vein..i'm pretty sure i would be too if i looked like that. :)

[All Images taken from Google]
♥ Her style. Now, normally, i am one for a bit of quirky-ness. I do get bored of seeing the same old when it comes to celebrities..but i also know, that those who do like to try and be a bit different, can get it wrong just as well as getting it right or becoming the next massive trend. I actually love how Kim just dresses classy..she keeps it simple, yet stylish. You don't have to wear a huge flower in your hair, or hot pants teamed with knee lenght socks. Kim proves that simple dressing is enough, and some of her outfits are absolutely gorgeous! Of course, she has been known to get it wrong aswell...i have seen her wearing a few outfits which have made me wince..and wonder why oh why..but then that's predictable being in the public eye. Kims style is very sharp & almost business-like. She teams crisp/frilly shirts with high waisted trousers and gorgeous heels. When she dresses down she likes to team t shirts with leggings, and long waistcoats. Then she has accessories to die for that top off every single outfit.
♥ Her amazing family. I have always wanted to be a part of a huge tight-nit family. I only have one brother, he will do, but i'd love to have sisters who shared my passion in the same things as me, could go out shopping with me etc etc. They fight, they laugh, they love. end of. It's so cute to watch.

These are a few of my favourite Kim photos..all taken from her personal blog.
The one in the bottom left is one of my favourites, purely because she looks stunning. The dress, the hair, the tan, the sunset..grr. Jealous much? haha
Kim also inspires me greatly with her makeup. She can pull off the smokey-est eyes, and the reddest lips. She can be a bronzed goddess, or a pale beauty. Anything goes.
I know some of you may like to point out the whole "air brush" issue. But she wasn't airbrushed in the Kardashian Series..and even admitted to having cellulite. We're all human :)
Any other Kim K fans out there?
But seriously, after hours of watching "Keeping Up With The Kardashians", i soon realised that if i could switch lives & looks with one person, i would absolutely choose Kim Kardashian.
♥ She is absolutely bloomin' gorgeous! Some of you might not agree, and that's fine, we don't all have the same perception of what's beautiful. Personally I think she has the most amazing facial feautures, figure & hair...ever. I'm starting to sound like a lesbiano now, so i will shh..but the pictures speak for themselves surely. I also love that she's curvy. Like Beyonce, she has a real booty, and she's not affraid to show it off. Not all beautiful women are stick think like we see on the catwalks. If anything, i prefer to see curves, it shows a real woman. Her confidence is just as amazing as her beauty, she is really very inspirational & such a sweet person.
♥ She is making a living from being these things..imagine being born so beautiful, you can just smile & make money from it. Sounds like my idea of a fabulous career, who cares if she is a bit vein..i'm pretty sure i would be too if i looked like that. :)

[All Images taken from Google]
♥ Her style. Now, normally, i am one for a bit of quirky-ness. I do get bored of seeing the same old when it comes to celebrities..but i also know, that those who do like to try and be a bit different, can get it wrong just as well as getting it right or becoming the next massive trend. I actually love how Kim just dresses classy..she keeps it simple, yet stylish. You don't have to wear a huge flower in your hair, or hot pants teamed with knee lenght socks. Kim proves that simple dressing is enough, and some of her outfits are absolutely gorgeous! Of course, she has been known to get it wrong aswell...i have seen her wearing a few outfits which have made me wince..and wonder why oh why..but then that's predictable being in the public eye. Kims style is very sharp & almost business-like. She teams crisp/frilly shirts with high waisted trousers and gorgeous heels. When she dresses down she likes to team t shirts with leggings, and long waistcoats. Then she has accessories to die for that top off every single outfit.
♥ Her amazing family. I have always wanted to be a part of a huge tight-nit family. I only have one brother, he will do, but i'd love to have sisters who shared my passion in the same things as me, could go out shopping with me etc etc. They fight, they laugh, they love. end of. It's so cute to watch.

These are a few of my favourite Kim photos..all taken from her personal blog.
The one in the bottom left is one of my favourites, purely because she looks stunning. The dress, the hair, the tan, the sunset..grr. Jealous much? haha
Kim also inspires me greatly with her makeup. She can pull off the smokey-est eyes, and the reddest lips. She can be a bronzed goddess, or a pale beauty. Anything goes.
I know some of you may like to point out the whole "air brush" issue. But she wasn't airbrushed in the Kardashian Series..and even admitted to having cellulite. We're all human :)
Any other Kim K fans out there?
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