♥ I've started backcombing my hair again. I went through a stage recently where I haven't felt the urge to grab my little brush and backcomb the life out of my roots (plus, it's pretty bad for the hair so you shouldn't do it too often anyway, and if you do, use more hairspray than backcombing-ness) I think it could have been down to the fact someone stole my backcomb brush (or more likely that I lost it) so i have to use a small barrell brush which isn't as effective but it'll do :) Above are the three stages of me doing my hair. Freshly washed (although backcombing works best when hair is unwashed), backcombed and sprayed, then smoothed down, and finally curled with my straightener for added oomph.
♥ Spent the night in London seeing the boy, he slipped me a little envelope with some post it notes in it that he had written at work. I definitely looked a fool wiping happy tears from my face on the train home. They were adorable. I love little gestures like that, they're my favourite. Big smiles.
♥ I've done so much walking today. I pretty much ran 10 minutes to the shop near the boy's flat to buy food supplies, then ran back again (I was running late and was supposed to be meeting him on his lunch break) then i ran to the tube station...only to find the Jubilee line was shut right where i needed to go..so after 3 line changes I finally managed to get to Bond Street, where i then ran to meet Wilf. We had a rushed 20 minutes then i had to run off to Paddington to get my train home, which again, was a longer way round as the blummin' jubilee line was shut. Ran to my train only to realise once i was sat down...I still had Wilf's flat key. So, once i'd arrived at my home destination, i ran across town to the Post Office (Thinking it would shut soon as i needed to send Wilf the key) and then i realised it shut an hour later. Bought me some dinner in Iceland & my Grandad offered to drive me home from town, so i then walked 15 minutes, up hills...to my Grandads. I've literally only just sat down. I have figured though, that's it's all good for the junk in my trunk (yes, i may be small, but my bum still wobbles haha)
♥ Loving black nailpolish at the moment.
♥ Currently reading Fade To Black & The Gloss Goss
♥ Spent the night in London seeing the boy, he slipped me a little envelope with some post it notes in it that he had written at work. I definitely looked a fool wiping happy tears from my face on the train home. They were adorable. I love little gestures like that, they're my favourite. Big smiles.
♥ I've done so much walking today. I pretty much ran 10 minutes to the shop near the boy's flat to buy food supplies, then ran back again (I was running late and was supposed to be meeting him on his lunch break) then i ran to the tube station...only to find the Jubilee line was shut right where i needed to go..so after 3 line changes I finally managed to get to Bond Street, where i then ran to meet Wilf. We had a rushed 20 minutes then i had to run off to Paddington to get my train home, which again, was a longer way round as the blummin' jubilee line was shut. Ran to my train only to realise once i was sat down...I still had Wilf's flat key. So, once i'd arrived at my home destination, i ran across town to the Post Office (Thinking it would shut soon as i needed to send Wilf the key) and then i realised it shut an hour later. Bought me some dinner in Iceland & my Grandad offered to drive me home from town, so i then walked 15 minutes, up hills...to my Grandads. I've literally only just sat down. I have figured though, that's it's all good for the junk in my trunk (yes, i may be small, but my bum still wobbles haha)
♥ Loving black nailpolish at the moment.
♥ Currently reading Fade To Black & The Gloss Goss
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