So where have I been and what on earth has been going on in my not-so-exciting life these last few weeks?
Well, let's break it down into bulletpoint form so it's easier on the eye ;)
- I got ill. Twice. I had the horrible Fluey/cold/virus thing for a while, it managed to subside...and then it came back worse & fighting. I have literally only just started tasting my food again and being able to breathe through both my nostrils.
- I have been working a lot more. Retail + Christmas = more shifts & any time i wasn't working, i was buying christmas presents, shivering under my duvet or seeing my boyfriend.
- I have been buying presents, thus not having as much money to spend on myself and nice things to blog about. Ho hum.
- I restored my laptop to it's new born setting & then I no longer had any editing software...
- After restoring my laptop, it decided to play havoc...it would freeze every 20 minutes, and the only solution was to reboot...every. 20. minutes. It drove me insane, and made trying to write a blogpost absolutely impossible.
- I then got a virus. Yes...the dreaded "Antivirus" virus. I could do NOTHING on my laptop. I tried literally everything & because it was a mutant virus, it wouldnt let me open anything. I eventually managed to sort it out, so feel free to email me if you get the same problem and i will try to help you haha.
So there we have it, my list of what could be described as excuses for not blogging. But fear not, now that i have my laptop back in working order after weeks of it playing up & i am no longer a shivering mess, i can finally get on the interwebz and edit photos and be around a lot more, and also, i have been snowed in today so I am writing this from the comfort of my room whilst the snow pelts down outside. I don't want to say too much about the snow, it's a very controversial subject (especially on BBC Radio 2 if any of you have been listening to that today? Not my usual choice of radio station but I had no say in the matter - It involved Lorry drivers shouting at screaming car-driving mums...) although, i will say, that it's the perfect setting for Christmas, as much of a pain it is to drive in (I have been slipping about all the place), I do love snow. Makes everything look so clean and pretty and Christmassy.
More blog posts to come my pretties.
Pinky Promise.
Pinky Promise.
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