One thing i have most certainly decided I will do this year (still not a new years resolution - I know that if i say it's a NYR, i probably won't do it & will set myself out to fail. So, i am not going to jinx myself & instead just say this is a choice I shall make) is to read more books. I used to be such a bookworm. I'd get books for Birthdays and Christmasses & it was the most exciting thing ever, and would always be so eager for the celebrating to end so i could fold back the front cover, stick my nose in & read every last word until it was finished. I lost my love for reading through sixth form when a huge amount of my time was taken up doing practical coursework across 3 of my 4 subjects with two separate projects running alongside each other in each subject. It was too much work, and took up too much of my time. I then left school & went into full time work, which then meant when i came home i just never felt like reading. I bought books, in the hope that if i left them lying around i might pick one up and read it...but this never provoked such actions. A few weeks ago, my boyfriend bought me the new Russell Brand book, and it made me want to start reading again. So, that is what i shall do. I will set aside time, whether it's just whilst I'm in the bath, on the train or before bed & i WILL read more books.

This is the stash I have accumulated & will hopefully get through. I bought most of these from a charity shop, none were over £2.50 & it's going to a good cause. I've always wanted to read a Jane Austen book, and Pride & Prejudice was only £1.99 in my local Oxfam so i snapped that up, I also want to read about the antics of the ever so charming Mr Darcy. ;)

This is what I shall tell myself to seem less geeky ;) - Courtesy of weheartit.com
Below is a list of blogs of which have some great book reviews if you wanted to find something you think you might like:
Are you hoping to read more this year? Are there any books or authors you can reccommend?
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