source (http://thisisdtsnme.tumblr.com/)
So three years ago today, I sat down at my laptop (which has now given up on me & I've stolen my boyfriends laptop in order to do some blogging today - R.I.P Laptop) and "Zoella" was born. It's honestly flown by, I can't believe I was 18 when I started, and I'm now nearly 22. I have been given some seriously amazing opportunities through this little internet space, and met some truly special people. When I began, I didn't think it would end up where it has. I know it's not the top dog blog of the blogging world, but i'm incredibly amazed at how many of you follow and comment and support me. I appreciate every single one of you, and my blog certainly wouldn't be where it was today if it weren't for you all logging in and interacting with me! Now let's all have a boogy & a singsong to celebrate!
I'd love to know who has been reading from the start & which is your favourite blog post that i've written?
I'd love to know who has been reading from the start & which is your favourite blog post that i've written?
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