Pre-warning : Very picture heavy post :)

How scary do I look here? ha.
Thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday. I was overwhelmed. I will admit, getting lots of Birthday messages is quite satisfying (in a possibly quite selfish way haha) but it is the one day of the year that is supposedly "all about you". Although I do share my Birthday with Lady Gaga, but I think I can cope with that.
For those of you who have been following my blog and twitter for a while, you'll know that I was having a really hard time trying to decide on a 21st Birthday gift. I decided to opt for a DSLR. Ever since I was 17, I've wanted one, but have always had to make do with a nifty little digital camera. It took me quite some time trying to decide which model/brand to go with. You ask someone who owns a Nikon, they say Nikon, you ask someone who owns a Canon, they say Canon. Although when doing all my research and handling them in various shops what felt like hundreds of times, I decided that I liked the Canon EOS 600D (It's called something else internationally I think). I believe it is a fairly new model, but I am already in love with it.
I had a fabulous Birthday, which sort of took place over the whole weekend aswell as my actual day of birth. On Sunday we had family round, and I got to use my new camera. The cake was ordered from Patisserie Valerie, and let me tell you, it was as delicious as it looks. Mum bought little sparklers for it, but we had great trouble trying to light them, and once lit, they burnt down quicker than you could light another. It was quite hilarious. The framed print above was a present from my parents, it's little sketches of the City I live in/very close to. If any of you are familiar with Bath, it is gorgeous and extremely quaint. I love this print, I'm going to keep it forevs. It was bought from a street seller on the main High Street if anybody living close by, or if you're visiting wants one.
On my actual Birthday (yesterday) I had quite a relaxed morning, just opening cards and pressies. Me and Mum sat out in the garden and had our lunch, then like the old lady I have turned into, I had a nap due to the late night before, but also, who wants to go out with giant bags/dark circles undernearth their eyes? Some of my friends came over and we then all headed out to Jimmy Spices in Bath. I enjoyed myself immensely. Lot's of laughter and good times had by all. I didn't take my Canon out though, i'm too scared i'll break it. I'm pretty sure alcohol, heels and a brand new DSLR do not mix well. We watched some drunken girls making absolute fools of themselves. One completely flashing her buttocks and boob (including nipple flash), then falling flat on her arse at least twice and failing miserably to walk one foot in front of the other out of the door. How shameful. haha. All in all, A fabulous evening and an amazing 21st Birthday.
Cake - Patisserie Valerie
White Shirt - Primark
Rollers - Sallys
Playsuit - H&M
Blazer - New Look
Shoe Boots - New Look
Bag - Primark
For those of you who have been following my blog and twitter for a while, you'll know that I was having a really hard time trying to decide on a 21st Birthday gift. I decided to opt for a DSLR. Ever since I was 17, I've wanted one, but have always had to make do with a nifty little digital camera. It took me quite some time trying to decide which model/brand to go with. You ask someone who owns a Nikon, they say Nikon, you ask someone who owns a Canon, they say Canon. Although when doing all my research and handling them in various shops what felt like hundreds of times, I decided that I liked the Canon EOS 600D (It's called something else internationally I think). I believe it is a fairly new model, but I am already in love with it.
I had a fabulous Birthday, which sort of took place over the whole weekend aswell as my actual day of birth. On Sunday we had family round, and I got to use my new camera. The cake was ordered from Patisserie Valerie, and let me tell you, it was as delicious as it looks. Mum bought little sparklers for it, but we had great trouble trying to light them, and once lit, they burnt down quicker than you could light another. It was quite hilarious. The framed print above was a present from my parents, it's little sketches of the City I live in/very close to. If any of you are familiar with Bath, it is gorgeous and extremely quaint. I love this print, I'm going to keep it forevs. It was bought from a street seller on the main High Street if anybody living close by, or if you're visiting wants one.
On my actual Birthday (yesterday) I had quite a relaxed morning, just opening cards and pressies. Me and Mum sat out in the garden and had our lunch, then like the old lady I have turned into, I had a nap due to the late night before, but also, who wants to go out with giant bags/dark circles undernearth their eyes? Some of my friends came over and we then all headed out to Jimmy Spices in Bath. I enjoyed myself immensely. Lot's of laughter and good times had by all. I didn't take my Canon out though, i'm too scared i'll break it. I'm pretty sure alcohol, heels and a brand new DSLR do not mix well. We watched some drunken girls making absolute fools of themselves. One completely flashing her buttocks and boob (including nipple flash), then falling flat on her arse at least twice and failing miserably to walk one foot in front of the other out of the door. How shameful. haha. All in all, A fabulous evening and an amazing 21st Birthday.
Cake - Patisserie Valerie
White Shirt - Primark
Rollers - Sallys
Playsuit - H&M
Blazer - New Look
Shoe Boots - New Look
Bag - Primark
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