Yes. More of my geek glasses, and oh look, a geek to accompany them.
On the 28th March I'll be 21 years old. I know, I know. I don't look 21. I'm sure I will continue to be I.D'd for 18 films and cigarette paper (not for me might I add). I will still have my I.D questioned by bouncers outside nightclubs and bars and always quizzed on my postcode and middle name. Lot's of people call me "doll face". I'm thinking this is just a nicer way of saying "baby face". I'm not going to lie, I'd love to wake up on Monday morning with a mountain of cards and the postman knocking on the door with a huge bunch of flowers and helium balloon for me, however, this will not happen. haha. We can dream though right? I'm still not 100% sure of what i'm going to do on my Birthday. I didn't realise quite how indecisive I was. Whatever it may be, I will be sure to capture it and update you.
♥ I was seriously so overwhelmed by the massive response to my last post. It had the most comments ever ever ever in my blogs entire history (I think). I'm so glad that so many of you could relate. I also love that it reassured you that you weren't the only ones. I know it reassured me immensely. I sat and read through every single comment, and felt a great accomplishment knowing i'd made so many of you feel so much better. I know it can be a pretty touchy subject, but 99% of you knew exactly where I was coming from. :)
♥ I'm getting slightly bored of my blog. It's very basic and messy and just not very...advanced or well-put-together. If any of you techy-whizzy-geeks out there fancy designing me something or giving me any tips or ideas please feel free to email me. I'm definitely stuck in a rut. Also, what do you lot think? What is my blog lacking? I need your expertise and advice as you are obviously the ones who read it.
♥ I am SO happy the sun is coming out, and I have decided this weekend that if the sun still has his hat on, I shall be whipping out the maxi dress and flipflop combo. Too early?
♥ Just want to say a little (well, massive) thank you to everyone who follows my blog. I don't say it often, and I probably should, but I appreciate every single one of you; even if you don't follow my blog, but come by every now and then to check up on it. I also have over 14,000 subscribers on YouTube now, and this astonishes me. I swear i'm dull as dishwater?! I'm so pleased that so many of you enjoy reading/watching my rambling nonsense.I don't really understand it, but it makes me very happy. haha. I never was very good at speeches or public speaking. Now you can see why. *blushes*
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