I absolutely LOVE receiving emails from you all, from simple things like "What font is that you use?" to "I just wanted to say i absolutely love reading your blog & you have inspired me to start my own so thank you" and then there's the "I'm an NW20, which nude lipstick would you recommend? Or even your favourite?"
I enjoy answering these, as i feel i can really help & it makes me happy to think I've given any advice i may have, whether it's all that useful or not.
However, there is one question which is really starting to grind on me.

"How did you get so many followers?"
I know that some of you reading this may have asked this question, and it's not like i will instantly hate you if you have, I just really don't like answering this question.
Firstly because it makes me sad that some girls might think that blogging is only fun if you have lots of followers. This really isn't the case. Blogging, for me anyway, is a hobby. It's just something i like to write about, a way to wind down & to give some advice to those who may want some.
Everyone starts a blog with no followers, i did also.
I didn't ever post a link to my blog in a comment on someone else's blog post, i never emailed people in their hundreds.
I just wrote.
I wasn't all that familiar with followers when i first started my blog, peoples little faces kept appearing at the side, it took me a while to realise these were the people who wanted to see when I'd posted something new.
If you want to gain more followers through self promotion, that's great, there is absolutely nothing stopping you, but are you really going to feel as much pride & satisfaction as you would if you didn't, and these people found your blog on their own, loved it & chose to follow you?
I honestly do not know how i have so many amazing followers, but i value and appreciate every single one. I love all the feedback & i'm blown away with the generosity of some of you.
I totally understand that some of you don't like writing with the feeling nobody is listening to you or reading what you have to say, but is that why you started your blog? I would rather have a handful of loyal followers than 500 people i asked to check out my blog or who followed me because of a giveaway.
Hopefully, every single one of you like to read what i have to say. Obviously, i never get 2700 comments on every post, but i certainly wouldn't expect that. Some people might be following purely for the Lush reviews, some for the FOTD's, some just for lipstick help...there will loads of different reasons, but that's just the fun of it. We're all very different, and people will your follow your blog for different reasons. Hey, i might even have some pervy middle aged man called Baldwin following my blog who likes my ears & i would never know haha (kinda creepy...)
If you ask this question in the form of some advice, just be yourself, enjoy what you're writing & appreciate every follower you have..even if you only have 3, this doesnt mean you are a failure. Blogging is not about failing and winning & it's not a popularity contest. These 3 people like to see what you write, even if they don't comment, so don't make them feel worthless by complaining of only having 3 followers. *sob* That is honestly, the only advice i can give you.
I hope nobody takes offense to this blogpost, i just felt i needed to address the issue as my inbox is brimming with unanswered emails all asking the same question. So i'm resolving this in one foul swoop.
Like i said, if you think more followers would make you happy, and you're quite happy asking people to give you shoutouts, then do that. There's no right or wrong way, and people gain happiness through different things. I'm just happy i have a place to express a passion in my life & i find it really enjoyable :)
I enjoy answering these, as i feel i can really help & it makes me happy to think I've given any advice i may have, whether it's all that useful or not.
However, there is one question which is really starting to grind on me.

"How did you get so many followers?"
I know that some of you reading this may have asked this question, and it's not like i will instantly hate you if you have, I just really don't like answering this question.
Firstly because it makes me sad that some girls might think that blogging is only fun if you have lots of followers. This really isn't the case. Blogging, for me anyway, is a hobby. It's just something i like to write about, a way to wind down & to give some advice to those who may want some.
Everyone starts a blog with no followers, i did also.
I didn't ever post a link to my blog in a comment on someone else's blog post, i never emailed people in their hundreds.
I just wrote.
I wasn't all that familiar with followers when i first started my blog, peoples little faces kept appearing at the side, it took me a while to realise these were the people who wanted to see when I'd posted something new.
If you want to gain more followers through self promotion, that's great, there is absolutely nothing stopping you, but are you really going to feel as much pride & satisfaction as you would if you didn't, and these people found your blog on their own, loved it & chose to follow you?
I honestly do not know how i have so many amazing followers, but i value and appreciate every single one. I love all the feedback & i'm blown away with the generosity of some of you.
I totally understand that some of you don't like writing with the feeling nobody is listening to you or reading what you have to say, but is that why you started your blog? I would rather have a handful of loyal followers than 500 people i asked to check out my blog or who followed me because of a giveaway.
Hopefully, every single one of you like to read what i have to say. Obviously, i never get 2700 comments on every post, but i certainly wouldn't expect that. Some people might be following purely for the Lush reviews, some for the FOTD's, some just for lipstick help...there will loads of different reasons, but that's just the fun of it. We're all very different, and people will your follow your blog for different reasons. Hey, i might even have some pervy middle aged man called Baldwin following my blog who likes my ears & i would never know haha (kinda creepy...)
If you ask this question in the form of some advice, just be yourself, enjoy what you're writing & appreciate every follower you have..even if you only have 3, this doesnt mean you are a failure. Blogging is not about failing and winning & it's not a popularity contest. These 3 people like to see what you write, even if they don't comment, so don't make them feel worthless by complaining of only having 3 followers. *sob* That is honestly, the only advice i can give you.
I hope nobody takes offense to this blogpost, i just felt i needed to address the issue as my inbox is brimming with unanswered emails all asking the same question. So i'm resolving this in one foul swoop.
Like i said, if you think more followers would make you happy, and you're quite happy asking people to give you shoutouts, then do that. There's no right or wrong way, and people gain happiness through different things. I'm just happy i have a place to express a passion in my life & i find it really enjoyable :)
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