As many of you will be aware, & if you aren't you will be now, Lush have repromoted (from their sister company Be Never Too Busy To Be Beautiful) the ever so popular lip scrubs.
I had never tried these, but they obviously thought that they were worth keeping in the family, so passed them on into the Lush store when they decided to close down (sad times)
I first tried to get my hands on these last week but was informed they had all sold out in 2 days..sheesh, that is ALOT of dry chapped lips amongst the Lush fans in my City.
Yesterday however, they were fully stocked, so i went and had a nosey at all three scrubs.
In all honesty, i did just want to pick up all three, pay & go, because i had a train to catch & they are right on the till, so i was being put off by the girl standing behind the counter.

Her favourite was the mint one, but i wasn't instantly drawn to that one, and the chocolate one wasn't so appealing once i'd smelt it.. (i had obviously been imagining them totally different & was a bit dissapointed - I will most probabaly end up getting them anyway though) but the bubblegum one smelt amazing. It's a mixture of Creamy Candy scent and Snow Fairy (that's my rather awful attempt at describing it)
It taste's just as delicious.
So what do i think? Overpriced? Probabaly, it is, after all, some oil & sugar & a bit of colouring & flavouring, but it's not something i would have the patience to make and how many of us ever just dip our fingers into the sugar bowl and rub it over our lips?
The one thing i find a bit..annoying about these is the fact that you can't do this on the can't be out shopping, think your lips are feeling a bit dry and start rubbing this all over the place..and i say this because i did this with no mirror..looked in the mirror a few minutes later and looked as though i'd tried to eat a donut without licking my lips...and that was after i thought i had removed anything that may have still been there.
One other thing i thought i would mention was that my little glass pot, as cute as it is, had the most skewiff label ever..i took the whole thing off and put it on neatly..the person who made mine was obviously in a hurry to get these shipped out for all the chapped lipped ladies, it's not a massive deal, but it's the small things eh? a few more seconds spent on it, and it would have been fine. It was also extremely messy & a bit sticky around the lid but i cleaned that up.
One thing i can totally say is worth the money, is the fact it works, it does leave your lips feeling and looking one hundred times better, mine even seemed a little more plump from all the lip-rubbing. haha. I'd say it gives you the perfect base for a lipbalm or before lipstick. I also found it rather addictive..i was applying this almost every hour. The taste and smell is amazing, and because it's mainly sugar, you can just lick it off :P
RRP: £4.50
What do you think of the lip scrubs?
I had never tried these, but they obviously thought that they were worth keeping in the family, so passed them on into the Lush store when they decided to close down (sad times)
I first tried to get my hands on these last week but was informed they had all sold out in 2 days..sheesh, that is ALOT of dry chapped lips amongst the Lush fans in my City.
Yesterday however, they were fully stocked, so i went and had a nosey at all three scrubs.
In all honesty, i did just want to pick up all three, pay & go, because i had a train to catch & they are right on the till, so i was being put off by the girl standing behind the counter.

Her favourite was the mint one, but i wasn't instantly drawn to that one, and the chocolate one wasn't so appealing once i'd smelt it.. (i had obviously been imagining them totally different & was a bit dissapointed - I will most probabaly end up getting them anyway though) but the bubblegum one smelt amazing. It's a mixture of Creamy Candy scent and Snow Fairy (that's my rather awful attempt at describing it)
It taste's just as delicious.
So what do i think? Overpriced? Probabaly, it is, after all, some oil & sugar & a bit of colouring & flavouring, but it's not something i would have the patience to make and how many of us ever just dip our fingers into the sugar bowl and rub it over our lips?
The one thing i find a bit..annoying about these is the fact that you can't do this on the can't be out shopping, think your lips are feeling a bit dry and start rubbing this all over the place..and i say this because i did this with no mirror..looked in the mirror a few minutes later and looked as though i'd tried to eat a donut without licking my lips...and that was after i thought i had removed anything that may have still been there.
One other thing i thought i would mention was that my little glass pot, as cute as it is, had the most skewiff label ever..i took the whole thing off and put it on neatly..the person who made mine was obviously in a hurry to get these shipped out for all the chapped lipped ladies, it's not a massive deal, but it's the small things eh? a few more seconds spent on it, and it would have been fine. It was also extremely messy & a bit sticky around the lid but i cleaned that up.
One thing i can totally say is worth the money, is the fact it works, it does leave your lips feeling and looking one hundred times better, mine even seemed a little more plump from all the lip-rubbing. haha. I'd say it gives you the perfect base for a lipbalm or before lipstick. I also found it rather addictive..i was applying this almost every hour. The taste and smell is amazing, and because it's mainly sugar, you can just lick it off :P
RRP: £4.50
What do you think of the lip scrubs?
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