I was perusing the isles in Superdrug last week, and i came across this lipstick by Bourjois called "Docteur Glamour".
These lipsticks are promoted as an "Intensive Moisturising Treatment".

If like me, your lips suffer a lot during the colder months, and you find it harder to wear lipstick without your lips looking all flaky and dry, then something like this is an absolute dream. Not a lot of lipsticks I own are that moisturising so when I saw this, I immediately starting swatching the small collection of colours to find one I liked. Surprisingly, they had a gorgeous nude-pink (colour 11 - rose retabli) which had been tested right down to a little nub, unlike the other colours which remained almost untouched. This was obviously a popular colour.
The lipsticks contain mango & Shea butter so glide on so easily & really do look & feel moisturising.
I also picked up colour 13 which is an orangey toned pink..it was a mistake, I'll be honest haha, but i have grown to love it just as much.
The packaging is..well, it's okay. I wouldn't say it's all that special or "glamourous" but it does the job nicely. The lipstick also lasts a sufficient amount of time. Perfect for winter lips & I love the colour. It's a "my lips but better & slightly more nude & hydrated looking" shade.
RRP: £7.49
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